Removing a complex background from an
image is somewhat tough job.. but you
don't worry.Photoshop has some easiest
and smartest way to remove a complex
background from an image just like this
welcome to my channel this is jubair
the last chapter we have discussed about
the image setting for a film poster
designing and this is the second chapter.
In this chapter I'm going to show you
how to remove a complex background from background from
an image using some Photoshop tools and techniques. So let's do play move to the tutorials
So first I'm going to import a
still image for this film poster. so
just double click over the workspace and
from this folder let me take. okay let me take
this picture. open.. so this picture is a
little bit high resolution image. see let
me show you the image size of this
particular picture so this is a high
resolution image.This is because
this is an image taken using a DSLR
camera.So anyway we are selecting only
the required area from this image.for
that we are doing our first selection so
here we are having our first selection
tool which is rectangular marquee tool
okay so using this particular tool what
we are going to do is we are just trying
to draw a rectangle which is our required area
and this image so the rest of this area
we don't need for that either we can
delete the rest of the area or we can
crop it so for that we are using image
crop to crop this area out of the
selection so we will be getting only
this area so we want to move this
particular image to our plane Photoshop
file for that we are selecting the move
tool we are having the move tool here
just drag and drop over here. that's it..
In this tutorial you will learn the second chapter of creating film
poster design.
And here we will remove the complex background from the
images using following selection tools
The most obvious selection tools in PS are found in the toolbar which is
located together with your brushes, pens, and cloning tools.
The first one from the top of the toolbar is the Marquee tool
Lasso tool
Magnetic lasso tool
Magic Wand tool
Quick Selection tool Color Range
A selection is an area of a photo that you define. When you create a
selection, the area is editable (for example, you can
lighten one part of a photo without affecting the rest). You can make a
selection with either a selection tool or a
selection command. A selection border, which you can hide, surrounds the
selection. You can change, copy, or delete pixels
inside the selection border, but you can’t touch areas outside the
selection border until you deselect the selection.
Adobe Photoshop Elements provides selection tools for different kinds of
selections. For example, the Elliptical Marquee
tool selects circular and elliptical areas, and the Magic Wand tool can
select an area of similar colors with one click.
More complex selections can be made with one of the Lasso tools.
You can
even smooth the edges of a selection with
feathering and anti-aliasing.
Rectangular Marquee tool: Draws square or rectangular selection borders.
Elliptical Marquee tool: Draws round or elliptical selection borders.
Lasso tool: Draws freehand selecti
on borders, best for precision.
Polygonal Lasso tool: Draws multiple straight-edged segments of a
selection border.
Magnetic Lasso tool: Draws a selection border that automatically snaps
to edges when you drag over in the photo.
Magic Wand tool: Selects pixels of similar color with one click
Quick Selection tool: Quickly and automatically makes selection based on
color and texture when you click or click-drag an